Find Dad Instructions
Via Telegram Private Chat App
Orlando, the best way to stay connected right now is on Telegram buddy. If you have your own cell phone (even if it’s only WiFi enabled without calling) you can download this app on the google play store to create a profile and scan my QR code. Search the google play store if this link is not working or the apple app store for iphone / ipad.
Then scan this QR code below to join the chat with me. You might be able to scan the image with your phone camera, but if you don’t have the chat app installed it won’t work.
You may need to go into your phone settings and look for the QR code scanner, then enable it. Love you buddy. I miss you so much. Talk soon, or whenever you find this page!
If you can’t get on Telegram, don’t worry. You might have Skype or Whatsapp instead. Here are my QR codes for those apps also.
Be Brave & Stay Calm
Sometimes it may feel like you are sailing the waters of life alone without your dad. I know you are a brave boy! We are going to get through this. If you have an email, click the button below to subscribe to Dose of Dad and you’ll receive my messages and additional ways to find me. If all else fails, leave a voicemail for me here: +1 305 749 9757. You may not need to enter the +1 when you call.